PyGallery 2.0 |
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PyGallery is a program used to generate static html-based picture galleries for the web. A gallery consists of an index page containing thumbnail images of the pictures. Clicking on a thumbnail jumps to that image. Gallery is distributed as Python source code (GPL), at To run it, you will need: The basic Python installation: The Python Imaging Library: To run gallery, double-click on the file or type: python On Mac OS X type pythonw instead of python. To run gallery in console mode (without the GUI), just cd to a directory with some images and run: python bla/bla/ --Gui=0 A directory gallery-out will be created in the parent dir. The general command line is python [OPTIONS] [InputDir] [OutputDir] You have the option of controlling the output by the graphical user interface, by command line options of the form --Key=value, or by creating a text file named 'gallery.cfg' containing lines of the following form: Key=value The possible keys are: Style = The style of the thumbnail page. Choose: JavaScript - The index is placed in a frame on the left and a single thumbnail displays a preview of the image the mouse is over (default). ThumbFrame - The index is placed in a frame on the left and all the thumbnails are displayed in a column. Gallery - A normal thumbnail page. Exhibit = Turn on to display the pictures in a html page with navigation buttons and off to display simply the picture. Default: 0 InputDir = Directory of the pictures you want to make a gallery of. Defaults to the current directory, or in the case that. OutputDir = Directory in which to store generated html. Defaults to the current directory. Gui = Show or don't show the Graphical User Interface for these options. Nearly all options can be configured in the GUI. Default: 1 ThumbRelDir = Directory (relative to OutputDir) in which to store thumbnails. Default: g_thumbs/ PictureRelDir = Directory (relative to OutputDir) in which to copy the original pictures if the option CopyOriginalPictures is on. Default: g_pictures/ LowResPictureRelDir = Directory (relative to OutputDir) in which to store the lower resolution pictures, if the option GenerateLowResPictures is on. Default: g_lowres/ Title = Gallery title, defaults to "Gallery " + directory name. In recursive mode, this configuration property is reset to the default for each directory (no inheritance to subdirs) Captions = Gallery captions, in the form "author caption" where the (optional) author is separated by a tab from the caption. White space around the author or caption term is removed. Caption is pasted verbatim in the HTML code. Defaults to nothing. CreateLowResPictureIndex = Generates a picture of smaller size, e.g. optimized for viewing without scrolling on a 1024x768 screen. Default: 1 CreateNormalPictureIndex = Whether or not to generate an index with the normal picture size. Disable this if you need only the low resolution gallery. Default: 1 DefaultIndex = Which index is displyed as default (as index.html). The other indices (and the corresponding pictures and exhibits) will get a suffix (for example "_small" for low resolution or "_big" for full resolution). If you use different default indices in a multidirectory gallery you will get some broken links. It can be either "Normal" or "LowRes". Default is "LowRes" CopyOriginalPictures = Whether to link to and display the pictures in InputDir or copy them to OutputDir/PictureRelDir Default: 1 RebuildAll = By default, thumbnail and low resolution images are not recalculated if already are available. Turn on this option if you want to recalculate all from zero. Default: 0 ReUploadAll = By default, only new or changed files are uploaded to the FTP server. Turn on this option if you want to upload whole gallery from scratch. Default: 0 ExcudeList = A comma delimited list of directories or pictures you don't want to include in the gallery. Accepts glob wildcards. Defaults to nothing. Default: nothing FtpTo = URL of the type [ftp://][username:password@]host[:port][/directory] indicating where to automatically upload the gallery. Defaults to nothing. RecursiveProcessInputDir = Turn on this option if you have pictures in some subdirs of InputDir and want to make galleries of them. Default: 0 InheritThisConfigToSubDirs = Tells if the configuration overrides given in a gallery.cfg file apply only to that directory or also to all its subdirectories. Applies only to gallery.cfg files, the default, command line or GUI configurations always apply to all directories. Default: 1 MergeWithSubdirs = If on, the generated gallery contains also the pictures of all subdirectories, if off only the pictures of InputDir. Default: 0 PicsPerGallery = You can split large galleries into many galleries with no more than this number of pics. Default is 40. AutoAdjustPicsPerGallery = Turn on to let the script automatically adjust PicsPerGallery by a few units if this enhances the appearence of the gallery index. Default: 1 NumColumns = Number of thumbnail columns in the index page in the Gallery style. Set to 0 or auto for automatic choice. Default: 0 ThumbMaxWidth = Upper limit to the width of the thumbnail (in pixels). Defaults to 130. ThumbMaxHeight = Upper limit to the height of the thumbnail (in pixels). Defaults to 100. WriteCaptions = Display the captions. This option controls the exhibit captions, the gallery captions and the captions in the index style 'Javascript'. Default: 1 WritePictureName = Display the picture file name below the thumbnail. Default: 0 WritePictureSize = Display the picture dimensions (in pixels x pixels) below the thumbnail. Default: 0 WritePictureFileSize = Display the picture filesize in KB below the thumbnail. Default: 1 ThumbTableBorder = Thickness of the border of the table with the thumbnails (in pixels). Default: 0 ThumbTableCellPad = Minimal thickness of the cell pad of the table with the thumbnails or the picture names (in pixels). Default: 6 IndexBGColor = Background color of the index. Defaults to '#EEEEEE'. (light grey) NavigationArrowsPosition = Chooses where to display the navigation arrows in the exhibit, i.e the buttons linking to the next and to the previous picture. 1: above the picture, 2: below the picture, 3: both, 0: none. Default: 1 NavigationArrowsStyle = Chooses between different styles for the navigation arrows. Look at the source code, the test gallery or the html manual for more precise info. If equal 0, style 1 is used for framed pages and style 2 for non-framed pages. Default: 0 ExhibitBGColor = Background color of the exhibit. Defaults to '#EEEEEE' (light grey) CaptionColor = HTML color '#xxxxxx' code for picture captions. Defaults to '#000000' (black) IndexFileName = Complete file name of generated gallery index. Default: index.html IndexBGImage = File name of background image to use for the thumbnail page. You may want to have IndexBGColor similar to the color of IndexBGImage, since the text color is choosen to be in high contrast to IndexBGColor. Defaults to nothing, which means that the uniform color IndexBGColor is used. ExhibitBGImage = File name of background image to use for the individual exhibit pages. Defaults to nothing IndexLinkBack = Chunk of text placed above and below the table of thumbnails on the index page. This is usually a html tag linking back to a main page. Defaults to nothing LeftArrowImage = Url or file name of graphic to use as left navigation arrow. Default: leftArrow_TN.gif RightArrowImage = Url or file name of graphic to use as right arrow. Default: rightArrow_TN.gif ParentGalleryImage = Thumbnail that is used to indicate the parent directory. Default: back_TN.jpg OnlyGalleriesImage = Thumbnail that is used when galleries have no pictures (only subgalleries). Default: onlyGalleries_TN.jpg PythonLogoImage = Url or file name of graphic to use as python logo. Defaults to nothing. If you want it: use PythonPoweredSmall_TN.gif GalleryLogoImage = Url or file name of graphic to use as the Gallery logo. Defaults to nothing. If you want it: use gallery_TN.gif Finally, you can add captions to the exhibits by creating text files in the same directory as the pictures, with the same file name as the picture and the extension ".txt". The text file should contain lines of the form: [<author1>] <caption1> [<author2>] <caption2> where the (optional) author is separated by a tab from the caption. To add multiple captions to a given picture, just add extra lines of this format to the text file. PyGallery also parses the descript.ion files of the picture viewing program AcdSee. You can also add sound to your exhibits by adding a caption of the form: <bgsounds src=xxxx.wav><embed src=xxxx.wav autostart=true hidden=true> Where xxxx.wav is the sound file and is located in the same directory as the exhibit page. There is a test directory located in pyGallery/test with some pictures, captions and configuration settings. To run it, change to that dir and run: python ../ It will create the gallery in PyGallery/gallery-out We hope you enjoy it. You can send comments to us at: |